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Hello Experts,I am working on i2s of stm32h743. The Manual says when the alignment is left the zeros are sifted from 0 to 7 in case of 24bit data length which is correct work but when I change the alignment right the zero does not appear on 24 to 31b...
How to know memory consumption of embedded c program in ST visual develop. I have write code for STM8S and compile it but i didn't get any information about the memory consumption. I mean How much memory space reserved by the program.
Hi.......I have created my own web page and making a LED ON/OFF through that web page when i insert IP address in the web browser. Now, I have my own web server and i want to link that server to my STM32f2 interface with enc28j60 and want to send s...
Hi st-community, Actually i have create my own embedded server and blink the led through a web page and this is done with the help of enc28j60 module interface with stm32f207. Now I want to connect my web-server(my own website) with stm32f2+enc28j60....