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Hello,I would like to receive data on STEVAL-IOD003, mounted on Nucleo-G071Rb.I tried to receive the data just by coding uart from L6362A to the nucleo board, but it's not working.Some lines i used :HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1, buf, strlen((char*)buf), ...
Hello,I'm trying to program the STEVAL-IDP005V2 with the stlink mini v3.The problem is that i don't have any power on the board.The St-Link V3 mini is powered by USB, and the power don't go to the STEVAL board.Even when i try to power it through the ...
So, is there any solution existing to connect my own sensor with I2C bus to this board ?My "sensor" is a 15bits adc converter. I would like to send the values of the adc on the io-link bus.Do you know if it's possible ?Thanks !!
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