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I'm bringing up an Ethernet project with the latest FreeRTOS+TCP and SPL ported from the F407.I've got it sending packets but the responses to the ICMP when I ping the device come across in wireshark as having invalid CRCs of all zeros (see wireshark...
There's the Flash Size Register in the Device electronic signature. Is there an equivalent for the onboard SRAM size? Any way to get the ACTUAL SRAM size at runtime?
I'm wondering if the following is correct for using the ART flash accelerator on the STM32F7 line:Change linker script to use the ITCM instead of the AXIM bus for FLASH memory.In the startup code, enable the ART accelerator by setting the ARTEN bit o...
I'm trying to migrate a project from HAL back to SPL as it's less of a haul than porting our code I have to integrate to HAL. The HAL program compiled but at some point during my porting process I'm now getting link errors ONLY for _fstat and _isatty...
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