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Hey, Im learning my stm32f411e-disco and I am following a guy whos using a slightly different board (stm32f407 discovery or just stm32f4Disco) I cant find BSP for my board on Keil and I was wondering if i could use the STM32F4Discovery's BSP or not. ...
When I go to debug, there is an error saying some source file isnt found (__lib_init) or something like this. I dont remember the name exactly. Then it gives me an option to go to preferences. Also, the debug doesnt run properly, my peripheral regist...
But I am having a hard time finding this zip file!!!!! I want to start using my stm32f411e discovery board but there are hardly any resources on the internet for this specific board and for a newbie like me this is just demotivating. Please help me o...