User Activity

Hi everyone,​STM32CubeIDE 1.3.032F746-Dicovery​In the above environment, I chose TouchGFX as an additional software and added graphics.And I created a simple GUI for testing by opening the file in the created TouchGFX directory.And when compiling, th...
We are trying to develop a USB hub that supports AOA (Android Open Accessory).The approximate structure is shown below.Android Tablet ---- STM32 MCU ---- USB HUB IC ---- USB Devices(4EA)The reason for this development is to let USB communication and ...
Good afternoon eveyone​​We want to replace the conventional capacitive touch screen with a resistive touch screen. Capacitive touch screens do not require calibration, but resistive touch screens require a first calibration. I know there is a touch c...
All of the posts in the community about this are all outdated and will not solve the problem. If this does not work in the development of the equipment, there is a very big problem to use.The USART ports you want to use are the Arundin pins C6 and C7...