Hello, I'm new to embedded system programming. I'm trying to turn 2 LEDs on and off with 2 potentiometers. But every time I turn a potentiometer, the LEDs flash at the same time. Can you help me with this?void ADC_oku() { HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HA...
Hello everyone, I'm getting the urethra Mmda "no target connected" error on my stm32f103 device with MDK 5, what do you think, how should I go about solving this problem?
Namely, before, I could easily read from 1 channel adc and drive the LED with PWM signal. But when I want to drive more than one LED with multi-channel, there is a problem. I want to read ADC on PA4 and PA5 pins and output from PA0 and PA1 pins. My P...