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Hello , I want to compile the BLE_ChatMasterSlave exemple from STM32L library of the BlueNRG1-2 DK package to test the network coprocessor architecture . The fact is that the code is only compiled with IAR. Is there a way to compile the project wi...
Hi , Object: Establish a BLE connection between the BlueNRG-2 and mobile phone app . I'm using BlueNRG-2 on STEVAL-IDB008V2 that i want to configure it as a network coprocessor via SPI mode with nucleo-L053 board.  For now : -I developped the applica...
Hello all , I would like to use BlueNRG-2 in my project to communicate in BLE with mobile phone . My application is build with Atollic TrueStudio on STM32L0. I'am using BlueNRG-2 on STEVAL-IDB008V2 to test demo applications .I downloaded BlueNRG-1.2 ...
Hello , I'm trying to load my project using Atollic TrueStudio V9.2.0 with the ST-Link V2-1 debugger of the nucleo-64. I get this error : STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.1.0Copyright (c) 2018, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved...
Hi ,I’m trying to build a MDK-ARM project with Eclipse (SW4STM32).I did import the project folder to eclipse : File -> import ->General -> Existing Project Workspace-> My_Project_Folder but the build function doesn’t work !So I created a new project ...