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 See: and  Per the articles, it looks like STMicro's instantiation of BLE has this issue.
Our Director of Quality made us aware of a BLE security issue called Sweyntooth. See: and  Per the articles, it looks like STMicro's inst...
Customer would like to migrate from​ SPBTLE_RF to SPBTLE-1S.  Are they pin compatible, or any app notes or other documents covering this migration.  Customer is looking to migrate to gain BLE 4.2 support.
Environment: Usingng the SPBTLE-1S "postage stamp" on my own board [3v3 supply, external regulator from 12-400V, 100mA available], (using the programming/serial from a STM32F030 Nucleo board) and that works quite well (wish it supported more break...