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I am using STM32WB55 HeartRate FREERTOS Example. But when I do something in the Task, it runs only once though it has a while 1 Loop. Can anyone guide me with that?Thanks in Advance.
I am using following snippet after the BLE Advertisement stops. I am using p2pserver example in which BLE Advertisement stops after 60 seconds and I have a timer of 65 seconds in which I have following snippet.HAL_SuspendTick();SET_BIT(PWR->CR3,PWR_C...
Hello,I am using p2p_server BLE example with RTC Internal Wakeup with interrupt. But somehow void RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler(void) is not getting called. Please let me know the possible reason.Regards.
Hello,I wanted to know is there any product in the market where STM32 MCUs are used in Implantable Devices. Are there any Medical Norms for STM Controllers? Can we Use STM32WB as a Implantable with BLE?Thanks in Advance.
I am Attaching Observed Current Consumptions. I am observing Huge Difference between claimed current value versus observed current value at various low power modes. I am having right Connections as mentioned in Power Consumption measurement board Dat...