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I am using STM32F0 microcontroller for my project with MPU6050. The HAL driver i2c code is working fine for mpu6050 but LL driver code doens't work. I want to use LL driver for i2c. Following is my LL driver code for reading and writing.uint8_t motio...
I am using stop mode for saving power. My board has dcmi interface for camera ov2640. When I wake up from stop the camera doesn't work. What is the proper way for waking up from STOP mode? Following is the code I am using for STOP modevoid stopMode(v...
I am putting board into STOP mode for saving power. From the manuals the board can be woken up from STOP by EXTI interrupt. Is it possible to waking it up by UART by configuring it as EXTI interrupt on Rx pin. If yes how can I achieve this?
I am trying to use asynchronous USART on stm32L4R5ZI nucleo board for sending and receiving data. Following is related part of code.while (1) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port,LD2_Pin); //Toggle LED HAL_Delay(1000); //Delay 1 Seconds for(...
I am trying to use ov5640 camera with stm32l4r5 board nucleo-144. The ov5640 has SCCB bus which is similar to i2c. But ov5640 has register with 16bit address (0x300A, 0x300B like this). I used CUBEMX to initialise i2c pins and generated code. How can...