I managed to get BLE_p2pServer.ioc file to open in CubeMX (Windows) and was able to follow the video to make the indicated adjustments and generate code. I was then able to open the .project file int the STM32CubeIDE folder generated by CubeMX. After...
One thing I think would help a lot is knowing how to open .project files on the Mac. CubeIDE on Mac doesn't seem to know what to do with them, double clicking them from finder does nothing and opening them from within the side just opens a text (xml?...
Thanks for the tip about the prebuilt examples, that really helps! My reply above better outlines what I've done so far. And I really appreciate the links you posted, I'm sorry other people are struggling with this but it's nice to know I'm not alone...
Hello, thanks for the response. I was trying to get the BLE_HeartRate project imported by following the getting started video series (#4 I think). I did finally get it to open by clicking on the .project file, but I had to switch to Windows (I primar...