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STM32 devices names end with: VGTx, VGHx, RETx, REYx.The first 2 seem to be associated with memory size and the last 2 to the package. Is there any logic to it and is there any document describing it?
Posted on May 10, 2017 at 15:29 Hi all, we are working on our second custom boardfor our product, using STM32F446RET6 MCU, 8MHz HSE and 746Hz LSE external crystals. From the first board to this one the only difference it's that all needed chip...
Posted on September 01, 2016 at 15:55 I'm trying to implement an asynchronous USART using ISR to communicate with FTDI and Bluetooth Modules (RX and TX at 115kbps). I have a STM32F446RE with the following test code: void USART6_IRQHan...
Posted on August 24, 2016 at 16:23 I noticed some problems with the RTC value after waking up from an interrupt (_WFI() instruction) so I made this code to test it out. It prints RTC value in seconds since the epoch and sleeps after 5s: ...
Posted on August 18, 2016 at 16:50 I have a custom board with STM32F446RE, with RTC powered by coin cell batteries. After testing 2 boards in the field for several days they stoped working and, while debugging, I realised that there a timeout in...