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Hi All,I am successfully programming and debugging a NUCLEO-STM32F401RE by its embedded ST-LINK programmer using STM32CubeIDE v.1.12.0 on a computer running Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, updated and upgraded.I have a second PC running exactly the same Ubuntu, ...
Hello,I have configured a CUBE IDE project to match a Nucleo-F401RE board to measure the system clock pulses (at 84MHz) between to consecutive rising edges of an external signal applied to pin PA3 (which is Timer2 Channel4 input).The Input Capture in...
I have a transmitter over USART and an STM32H7 receiving data. The transmitter always writes N bytes at a slow repetition rate, i.e. every 1 second or more.Once N data are received by the STM32H7, for example using interrupt, the function HAL_UART_Rx...
I wish to build a classical closed loop controller based on a STM32H743 interfaced via SPI to an external 16bit ADC and to a 16bit DAC. The MCU is supposed to read an ADC sample, feeding a controller routine (for example implementing a standard PID c...
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