Hi every body.I need to make change some external program.In external spi flash i want write meny programs, and one selected program must copy to ram in fixed start address for call from main program like shift program.
I try to use exemple IAP but perhaps I did some thing wrong....If can you help me, what I did uncorrect... I try:1)uint8_t func[0x2dc]; // massive fo data from functionmain SCB->VTOR = ( uint32_t )&func ;// registred vector __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32...
Thaks for reply. Now i understand is not easy. QSPI flash don't want use because device must cost much money. Fast performances to access spi flash programs don't need,From spi must loading only one function at fixed address.
I understand how it work in theory and I made test code with copied one function from mcu flash to ram but i don't understand why it not work. When i use function pointer to function in internal flash all work fine my function has address 0x080048c8...