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Hi,We design a custom board with STM32L081KZ microcontroller. In this board we add an inclinometer that comunicate with the microcontroller by using SPI. In the firmware project we use this library: GitHub - ohilab/libohiboard: OHIBoard library. We u...
Hi,I am using TouchGFX into a custom board with STM32L476 and simple display with RA6963 driver. Yeah, I know, is too much the TouchGFX for this project.Anyway, I crated the project, I added the low-level driver as suggested here: https://support.tou...
Hi all,I want to use TouchGFX without STM HAL. In my project that uses STM32L476, the code was just written with another library (libohiboard on GitHub). Our customer asks to add a display to this project, and I would use TouchGFX but without ST HAL....
Hi all,I want to use TouchGFX to manage a simple display with STM32L476. I generate the code with cubeMX and TouchGFX 4.16, but when I try to compile it a lot of errors comes up!There is any tutorial or guide on how setup touchGFX with this microcont...