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Hello,how can I simply achieve touchGFX objects (sliders, on/off button etc.) to remain their state when I added a functionlity to switch the screen layer. More precisely I want to keep my adjusted values (slider etc.) in their state after switching ...
Hello,i currently use SPI interface of my STM32H7B3I board with DMA (mode circular) to build up a connection to Raspberry Zero W (using Python spidev-lib).At the beginning, I start HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA() where the data exchange is initialized....
When reading the I2C bus with DMA it is followed by a NACK. Do i have to clear it somehow in the DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler ?
Hello,i use STM32CubeIDE with FW 1.60 with and want to use the I2C driver with DMA to read and write some data do a device.I configured it properly in CubeMX and the code has been generated and all interrupts etc. are implemented.When i test it with ...