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can i use keyboard in a model window instead of a scren , what actually i want when i cick a button popu(shows) a model window with keyboard in it ,i done with screen(click button go to screen with keyboard), how i put keyboard in an model window, th...
as i includeUnicode::snprintf(textArea1Buffer, TEXTAREA1_SIZE, "%s%d\n", textArea1Buffer, pda[i]);   //textArea1.invalidate();    textArea1.invalidate();it works when i replace \n with \t show fallback characte(?)what is actually happenalso addwildca...
can i add 10 textarea into an array likeuint8_t txt[10] = {textarea1,textarea2,textarea3,.....,textarea10};actually i want 100 uart data 10 times ie1st time recieved and printed on textare1, 2nd on second and so on. after each printing an index in ...
i simply create a application with a label button, container with two radio button shown belowactually what i want is when i click the button show the container (do it with interaction and virtual function calling)container.setvisible(true)container....
how print a space in touch gfx textarea
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