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According to the datasheet, it is possible with ADC to sample voltage up to 3.6V, even with lower VBAT, if proper attenuator.I'm powering the MCU with 2.5V and feeding battery (up to 3.6V) to ADC1 pin. No matter what setting I use, the ADC is still s...
According to the docs I've read maximum FoV using 16x16 SPADs is 27 degrees and minimum FoV using 4x4 SPADs is 15 degrees. But if my math is correct, when side of the measured area is 1/4th then the FoV should be approx. 6.7 degrees. Aren't the SPADs...
When comparing the data sent from VL53L1X ULD and from VL53L1X_Gui I can see some differences.In particular, I was comparing values sent to registers 0x005e and 0x0061 that are used to configure timing budget. I'm not going to write all measurements ...
We'd like to measure distance in a tube with VL6180X. Tests with a diameter of approx. 5 cm show that the max. distance is reduced and the sensor is underranging. That is probably because the sensor receives some light reflected from the side walls. ...
What is the use of TEST pin on BlueNRG-1? STEVAL-IDB007 has a 100K pull-down connected to it, with a jumper that allows a connection to VDD. BlueNRG-MS has it connected directly to GND.Datasheet states that it should be connected to GND, so I expect ...
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