User Activity

I use a scroll list dinamic.When i set itemSelectedCallback the itemIndex don't reach maximun element.For example:sl_select.setNumberOfItems(4); sl_select.setWindowSize(4);where max number of object can be 4, param of itemSelectedCallback pass only 0...
Hi everyone,i would remove or add a object in a scroll listI try to useparamScroll.remove(*paramScrollListItems.getDrawable(0)); paramScroll.add(*paramScrollListItems.getDrawable(5));but it don't work.paramScrollListItems is a DrawableListItems.How c...
Hi everyone,i enable touchgfx in my project starting with cubeMX.But it doen't run touchgfx.I use MDK-ARM5 with uKeil.In debug i see that after this instruction (inside gui_generated/common/FrontendApplicationBase.cpp)transitionCallback = touchgfx::C...
Hi!I want to use a function of the model in a my class out of MVP, is it possible?void Model::proofPrint() { modelListener->printLabel(); }printLabel() is a function inside a screen.I have a class MainApp.cpp that it use how class wrapper for the fi...