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Hi!I'm trying to migrate from CoIDE to Atollic and discovered some problems.It seems that STM32L151CC MCU supports 8MHz maximum speed but I found no option of speed adjusting in Atollic SWD interface. Atollic does not support ST-LINK V1 since v9.1.Is...
Hi!I've bought STM32L082 for development and installed Atollic TrueStudio but couldn't find L082KZ MCU (the nearest similar is only 082CZ). How can I use this IDE or Keil is the only option?
Posted on December 02, 2013 at 16:00 Hi there! I need to define array of fonts in flash. I'm using STM32F417VG MCU I define it as const u8 font1[] But compiler places it in RAM I've found a linker file that Coocox uses t...
Posted on July 26, 2013 at 16:48 Hi 2All! I'm trying to toggle LED with TIM7 interrupt. I'm using STM32f417VG with Coocox CoIDE Code is here: void TIM7Config( void ) { //RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7,ENABLE); /*TIM7...
Posted on June 13, 2013 at 16:04Hi everyone!Could you give me a complete example for SDIO raw read/write with 4-bits wide bus and DMA?I'm trying to do it in Coocox CoIDE. Unfortunately there are no examples included. Could you write a manual step-by...