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I am using the STM32WB55RG MCU, Bluetooth feature with stack version 1.13.0 and FUS version 1.2.0. Everything was working normal until I tried doing the firmware upgrade of stack from v12.0 to v13.0. I am not able to perform FUS related operations. T...
Hello,Thank you for your detailed answers. I have resolved the design concerns related to this.I need your input for another issue. I am working on upgrading the wireless stack & FUS programmatically. I am NOT doing the OTA firmware upgrade but stori...
I have created a BLE application using STM32WB5RG BLE stack. Everything works good, I am able to advertise, authenticate & connect to the device. However, my application needs to run with low power. When I put CPU1 & CPU2 in STOP2 mode, I am noticing...
I am using a STM32WB55xx controller for my project. I am trying to implement the capacitive touch behavior to detect button press on rising edge and button release on falling edge (please see document attached for details)Q1. Will the Touch Sensing C...
Hi,I am working on TouchGFX for STM32H747 Discovery Kit. I have a design created in TouchGFX Designer. I am looking to integrate this into STM Cube IDE. When I hit generate, I am not able to see the STM project being created in the TouchGFX project f...