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Hello all,  I made a custom board with a STM32U031 and measure the standby and standby+RTC current. The value was very high (µA), so I tried with 2 nucleo board, U031 and U083 with the PWR selection exemple code from ST. And I also check this video w...
Hi all,  for a projet I need to create a signal at 500khz, and every 60 µs I want to stop the toggle (or not) I generate the signal with the output compare of tim2 (on stm32L073)then, in TIM2_IRQHandler(void)I try to count the number of call, then st...
Hi all, I need to drive the ADC with TIM1 at 4MHz, drive by an external event.I want to know the clock precision on this timer. For the moment I use HSI16 and the PLL to have 80MHz on APB.I also have a LSE for the RTC.but what is the precision. I nee...
hello all, I want to write a code to test the possibility to use PC13 as output to activate a regulator when the micro is in Vbat mode.. I'm using a the manual, in Vbat mode, RTC_OUT still available for Alarm ou wakeup, in cube...
Hello, I try to use a nucleo to acquire a signal at 500KHz but I can't.I already use this code to acquire a 30KHz signal with DMA a 1MHz sampling and it's I try to with a wampling at 1MHZ, 10MHz, the acquire signal isn't the good one. Value fl...