Ciao Francesco,I made several tests and Teseo, with the FW update, is working: it receives GPS and GLONASS.I have one more question: how can I receive GALILEO satellite? Is there a configuration/enable?Teseo-Suite require an activation key to unlock ...
Ciao Francesco,I can force the Reset pin to a low level (pin9 - SYS_RESETn) as described in the manual: "When the user wants to update the Teseo-LIV3F, Teseo-LIV3F must be powered and under reset; the user must configure the tool, select binary image...
Ciao Francesco and Karim,The module is on a proprietary testing board. Here below the FW versions:OS20LIB_4.3.0_ARMGPSAPP_2.4.0.1_ARMBINIMG_4.6.8.1_ARMSWCFG_8204941aWAASLIB_2.20.0_ARMSTAGPSLIB_5.1.0_ARMSTA8090_622bc043GNSSLIB_8. I upd...
Ciao Francesco,I turned it OFF and ON several time, while it was working (FIX 3D) and not working (no FIX).I'm using Teseo-Suite Pro v5.2.3.1.Every time I powered-OFF and ON, I could receive NMEA messages, write commands and receive several GPS satel...