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The module that was used on this PCB was the STM32WB5MMGI/O was connected according to the datasheet attached for STM32WB55MMGShort found on 3V3 on 6 out of 6 sample prototypes. When module was desoldered from the PCB, the short went away on both PC...
Note the difference between WB5 and WB55. My main goal is to determine whether I can define any of the pins on the WB5 as SPI or ADC, or are there only certain pins that can perform those functions.
The datasheet for STM32WB5MMG says there are 2× DMA controllers (seven channels each) supporting ADC, SPI, I2C, USART, QSPI, SAI, AES, timers. It also says to reference DS11929 (The datasheet for STM32WB55) on page 2. DS11929 shows there only cert...
Are additional external circuit components needed to reliably connect USB voltage to an ADC input, besides a voltage divider that brings 5V down to 3.3V?