User Activity

Hello,I'm using the ADC on a STM32G431 to read 5 voltages at 20kHz. Everything works well, but suddenly the 5 channels "get stuck" or freeze, i.e. the value they measure becomes constant even though the voltages on the input pins still fluctuate. Som...
Hello,I'm reading data from an external device using SPI in Receive Only Master mode. For this, I'm using the HAL function HAL_SPI_Receive_IT(), which as its name suggests doesn't use DMA, but is non-blocking and calls HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback() when i...
Hello,I'm in the process of choosing a STM32 and determining whether an external SRAM/SDRAM is really needed for my application or not.The microcontroller will receive frames of pixels from a camera through SPI in L8 format (i.e 8bit grayscale images...