Hello, I am trying to communicate MCU with using USART1 but interrupt never triggered in MCU.First I am using some definitions. Here is definitions for USART1.#define USART1_PINS_PORT GPIOA
#define USART1_TX_PIN ...
I am using STM32F746 Discovery kit for test. For USART1, I removed R64 and R133 for using USART1 pins. Then I connect Usb to serial chip to this pins with GND.Here is its schematics : https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_ma...
Thanks for your response, When I call HAL_UART_Transmit_IT after initialize the uart, ISR is working.But when I track the TX signal from scope. There is not any TX signal.So What can be wrong in this situation ? Thanks again.