getting Error(4) and Error(7) at various point's in the error logs. USB communication seems to be working and firmware upgrade worked. Logs attached any thoughts?
I've been successfully using dfu to do most of what I needed to do. My stlink/v2 trouble may be caused by something related to a test reinstall having an error on this 32 bit PC. I'll try the 64bit machine when I get time.
I haven't been around for a few days- sorry. Looking at my ST-Link issue some more I'm beginning to believe it must be an install issue of some sort. The target-settings page starts with a serial number in the serial number box. This box changes t...
Lots of great ideas. I previously didn't state clearly what does and doesn't work, my firmware update works and completes without errors. When I wrote: "it isn't connecting to the target." I meant the target chip target, not the USB dongle target-...
It isn't at that level of clean, but it is only connected through a 7 cm cable with ground on the cable to the board. "really clean" are famous last words, but I'm certain I'm more fundamentally messed up.I probably need to get more basic stuff corr...
Super idea. Surprisingly though the little board is really clean for signal integrity stuff though. This time I'm running into my limited understanding of the st-link architecture and an inability to control software very much. The st-link isn't...