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Are there any known issues with the RTC Wakeup on the STM32L475?I cannot get it to work, I've copied the code exactly as it appears in the STOP2_PWR example, but no matter what I do the ISR does not get called.If I check the registers I can see the t...
Hi,I'm really struggling with this, I cannot find any reason for the problem I'm seeing, I've looked at the example code in the firmware packages and I have identical code to the examples.I'm using HAL to configure the project, the RTC is clocked fro...
Posted on February 02, 2018 at 16:09Why does CubeMX generate the following lines in SystemClock_Config if the HAL timer is set to anything other than SysTick?HAL_SYSTICK_Config(HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()/1000);/**Configure the Systick */HAL_SYSTICK_CLKS...
Posted on July 25, 2013 at 09:37I'm trying to create a composite full speed device which combines HID (vendor specific) and Mass Storage.Anybody out there managed to create a working composite device using the ST libraries for the f2xx? (or f4xx)The...
Posted on May 05, 2013 at 00:45Hi again.I have made great strides in our system this past week (our first use of the stm32) and we have had great interest in this latest (stm32 based) product from potential customers and therefore we would like to s...
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