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I am getting pixel data to the stm32. I am reaching the "end of frame flag clearing" at:stm32l4xx_hal_dcmi.c ----> HAL_DCMI_IRQHandler() ----> (line 811)__HAL_DCMI_CLEAR_FLAG(hdcmi, DCMI_FLAG_FRAMERI);I am simply checking cameraBuffer[] pixel array u...
Hello,I am trying to get a single image the NUCLEO-L496ZG board with a OV7670 CMOS camera sensor using the DCMI HAL library.I am trying to read a single image and write to a USB flash drive connected to the NUCLEO board.I have been trying to use mult...
Hello,I am using the stm32L4R5ZI Nucleo board with a MT9V024 camera sensor and a USB drive.I am using the HAL/STM32cubeMX library for the DCMI functionality using 10-bit parallel data with HSync and VSync as well (13 wires with 10-bit+Vsync+Hsync+DCM...