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Environmentboard: NUCLEO-L476RGSTM32CubeMX v5.6.0IDE: SW4STM32I'm attempting to generate PWM signals with DMA in normal mode, but doesn't work. I'm stack in this issue for a week. I'm very happy if you give me any advice. Thank you in advance.other i...
I've attempted to get values at x, y, and z axes at once, but it doesn't work well.What I want to do is to check if a device where the LIS2DH12 is populated stays still or moves. So I need to get x, y, and z values.So far, I read each value by each ...
environment: Nucleo-G071RB, sw4stm32when I click "Run", the following dialog shows up-------------------Error "OpenOCD child process termination" happensReason: wrong device detected, check the board connected.-------------------console is here------...
I'm using STM32L0 series which contain EEPROM. I'm thinking of replace it with STM32G0 series. As long as I read STM32G0 series docs, there is not EEPROM. Is this true?
board: NucleoG071RBAn error happens when I compile codes. There is no error like this when I compile codes in STM32L053Building file: ../Drivers/STM32G0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32g0xx_hal_cortex.cInvoking: MCU GCC Compiler/Users/username/Documents/stm32c...
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