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I am using BLE OTA bootloader found in CubeWb1.8.0 to upload a firmware to a custom STM32WB55CG device. I am using ST BLE sensor app to upload the firmware from an android phone to the custom device. I was able to successfully carry out FOTA and rest...
For an application, I need to implement FOTA through UART/USB for STM32L0 microcontroller. Are there any examples or firmware packages available for this?
I programmed the RTC to work on LSI for this application. When I use LSI for the RTC the RTC init goes into timeout, but RTC works fine with LSE. I am using P-Nucleo-WB55 board to test this. Can anyone explain the reason behind this?
I am building a wireless application (BLE) with STM32WB55CG. For that, I am planning to use HSI and LSE (LSE as RF wake up clock and HSI as CPU1 and CPU2 clock). For that, I disabled HSE in the RCC part of CubeMX. After I did that, RF becomes inactiv...
I am using an STM32WB55CG in a custom board with SWD interface. When I tried to connect the MCU using STM32CubeProgrammer, the MCU is identified in the Cube Programmer. But, when I tried to program it using the STM32cube IDE, device is not identifie...
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