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Hi,Is it possible to use MotionTL2 library with a 3rd party MCU? if yes, are there examples available?My setup is STM accelerometer sensor connected to a Nordic MCU board via I2C.Thanks.
Hi, I set the sensor to 1G scale, data rate 104 Hz, while tilting from 0 to 20-25 degrees it gives sensible readings. Over that it just always shows 1G acceleration, so 45 degree angle shows as 89.Any hints on how to fix that, or my copy might be def...
Hi,I'm trying to evaluate IIS2ICLX sensor with this board connecting to a 3rd party MCU board, what's the best way to connect it via I2C? I see on MKI209V1 schematics there are 2 pull up resistors already on SDA/SCL, which supposed to be connected to...
Is it possible to achieve 0.05 degree angle measurement accuracy with ST accelerometers? If yes, which one would be recommended for static measurements 0-90 degrees?