Is there anyway we can decrease this time. We are using void DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler(void) and void DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler(void). Both RX and Tx callbacks are not firing and really not able to debug this issue. Looking forward to a solution. ...
it is USB MSC only. We declared our own variable for packet size as 512 bytes. HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA(&heval_Spi3, buf, USB_BLK_SIZ); declared USB_BLK_SIZ as 0x200
Hi Clive1, Thanks. Actually transmission happens without an issue. We are able to copy files from device to PC and vice versa. The problem is the timing. How to improve or reduce cycle time. We are reading 512 bytes per read, so for a 4096 bl...