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I'm looking at AN2606, section 65.1 and it looks like UART 4 can NOT be used by the bootloader to load FW into the part. Can someone confirm that is true?
I have a few boards using an STM32L4 part.Some of the boards are working as expected, but others are not. The ones that don't work reach a timeout in the SystemClock_Config() function call. Specifically, they time out in the while loop at line 558 of...
I have a strange issue here. I'm trying to do a short, blocking, UART transmission.I have a 23 byte uint8_t array ( MSG ) that I construct before calling the HAL_UART_Transmit() function to send the data. (SLAVE_MSG_SIZE = 23, UART is a pointer to th...
Hello, I have a STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with the STM32L476RG MCU on it.. I have made a small PCB that, among other things, brings the USB interface to a connector. I have implemented a simple USB configuration following some online tutorial...
I'm new to STM32s and I want to verify that I can put a Quad-SPI PSRAM chip (or SRAM, DRAM, etc) on the Quad-SPI interface and have everything work? From what I have read it seems like it will work, but everything seems to refer to using FLASH memori...
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