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Hello ST Community and Experts, I have an STM32STM32H745ZI and i have programmed it to send and receive some CAN messages from an other STM32 F446RE Nucleo Board. I would like to know if i can use STM32STM32H745ZI to connect to a different CAN Busno...
Using The HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan, CAN_TxHeaderTypeDef *pHeader, uint8_t aData[], uint32_t *pTxMailbox) function , can a floating point value be sent as a payload?
The driver is not getting installed in windows 10. The device driver installation wizard says it was unable to find any drivers designed for my machine. I am using Windows 10 version 1903.
Is there any way to print a multidimensional array to console in eclipse for stm32. I am able to print a one dimensional array via UART. However , printing a 2 dimensional array via UART or to the console in eclipse seems impossible. Could anyone h...
Hello All, How to obtain the time difference between successive occurrence of two CAN messages .I am sending some CANIDs every 0.7 seconds and my aim is to measure the time difference between the successive occurrence of the CANids on reception by a...