Hi,I am using nordic MCU to operate LSM303AGR magnetometer device. My goal is to get a Z-axis interrupt upon crossing the pre-calibrated threshold.The i2c write and reads are working fine.INT bit of register 64h (INT_SOURCE_REG_M) is responding when ...
Hi,I am trying to get lsm303c output an "active low" interrupt on pin INT_XL.here is my init code:void LSM303C_AccInit(void){ uint8_t result = 0; ACCELERO_IO_Write(LSM303C_CTRL_REG1_A, 0b00100101); // disable y axis to avoid mg ACCELERO_IO...
Hi Eleon,In order to eliminate out the cause of faulty hardware (in our customized board) we moved back to Nordic's nRF52840 DK and LSM303AGR adafruit breakout board.It seems that the INT pin is now working fine with the following ב�?מכןעורש�?ן�?מ:CF...