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I'm using HAL_UART_Receive to receive 8 bytes from a Nextion screen. The baurate is 9600, so the response takes ~10ms.If I set the timeout around 50ms, the response is not read properly. If I increase the timeout to 300ms, then all works fine.I don't...
Hi there,I'm trying to jump from my application to the bootloader on a STM32F103.The bootloader address is 0x1FFFF000This is my code, but unfortunately, it doesn't work:void (*f_boot_jump)();f_boot_jump = (void (*)(void)) (*((uint32_t *)(0x1FFFF000 +...
Hello!I have generated with STM32CubeIDE the BIN file and the HEX file from the same application.Then I used STM32CubeProgrammer to program the MCU, first using the BIN file, and then the HEX file. After each time the MCU is programmed, I have read t...