Hello,I've got a device which transmits with IEEE Manchester encoding, however on the S2-LPQTR, I seem to only be able to decode GE Thomas version of Manchester encoding (inverted to IEEE). Is there a way to enable IEEE encoding?Thanks Dave
Using the ST provided altium design files for the STM32MP157A-DK1, I've run the design rule check on the PCB as default which shows about 400 violations. Are the design rules set up correctly for this project or am I doing something incorrectly? I'd ...
As above, the Altium components point to a library source called "MCD_PARTS_database.DbLib" however I don't have access to this. Is there any way to get the footprints? ThanksDave
Hi Patrick, Thank you for the reply. I did look at this, however this is only the footprint for the microprocessor. I'm after the footprints for all of the components on the DK1 dev board. Is this available? https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/st...