I'm using an STM32L051K8. I'm writing words to EEPROM. It takes a lot of time to do that. I read in the datasheet that it is possible to do a half-page write that will take the same amount of time as a single write. How do I write a half page? Do I u...
I'm creating a new project for STM32G030F6P6 in STM32CubeMX. It says 32 kBytes flash. But when I look at the generated project in the file stm32g030xx_flash.icf it says: /*###ICF### Section handled by ICF editor, don't touch! ****/
/*-Editor anno...
It is impossible to download the latest STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32L4 series (1.18.0). https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32cubel4.htmlI enter my user name and password but the download never starts. I downloaded the latest STM32CubeMX an...
STM32L4R9AII6 generates 16 SPI clock pulses when I have selected data size 8 in STM32CubeMX.When I measure the SPI clock when I write a single byte to the SPI1 DR register it outputs 16 clocks.When I debug I can look at the SPI1 registers. The CR2 DS...
Update:I have tested some more here. These are the results:These reads work:Read 128 byte starting from 0x1FF8 0000Read 97 byte starting from 0x1FF8 001FRead any individual byte between 0x1FF8 0000 to 0x1FF8 001FDoes not work:Read 96 byte starting fr...
Yes. if I generate an STM32CubeIDE project the STM32G030F6PX_FLASH.ld is correct. But when I select EWARM project the stm32g030xx_flash.icf is incorrect.I hope ST fixes this. This could suddenly break firmware.