Oops, that was the previous version of the bootloader (it was based on ST built in bootloader that resides in system memory ROM).I am not allowed to share the code of our independent boot loader to which I was referring
HiI don't know why your code doesn't work. Let me share the difference between your implementation and a version that worked for me.I used the NVIC from the modified address in flash (0x8010000 in your case), not from RAM.At the time of writing the ...
dwanninger, You saved me a week of workI am going to drink beer now on your behalfFor completeness,The definition of Reset Handler should be commented out:; PUBWEAK Reset_Handler; SECTION .text:CODE:REORDER:NOROOT(2);Reset_Handler; LDR R0...
Great PostThanksCould you please specify how did you modified the startup code (.s file) to use a Reset_Handler that doesn't have absolute function references in it ?