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I'd like to know the difference between injected channel worked on discontinuous mode or seems like the same result. if I have 3 channel to convert triggered by a signal.Sequence length is 3.1st trigger : channel 1 is converterd.2st trigger : ...
I used related functions of HAL in Keil to program option bytes. I cannot connect to MCU again after I write option bytes. I think MCU is locked , and I've tried two MCUs , both is locked, How can I unlock this MCU? It's external boot pin seems usele...
i configure tim1 bkin. after bkin is triggered, tim1 2 3 output seems like high-z ossi bit is 0. MOE is cleared by trigger. according to reference i can set corresponding GPIO to high or low. but it doesn't work.
i want to use dma ch2 to response a request of Req_CC3 to load a new value to TIM1 CCR1 or CCR2 . i need dma in some turns but not always so i choose nomal mode. i'd like to know if dma request is  accumulated in stack or somewhere. caus...