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Hi, I am using stm32f411 discovery board with i2s mems microphone, I am using hal library and pdm2pcm librray, I have referred to audio record and play back examples, application notes, and I still have the following questions:It seems that the user ...
Hi, now it seems I can successfully sample audio data, below is the spectrum of 10KHz tone signal.However, in an acoustically quiet room, the mic can still sample high freq noise, which confused me.Now there are 2 things also confuse me:It seems the ...
I am using a STM32L1 MCU and I want to use the PDM to PCM conversion library, so I downloaded X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1, in the audio PDM lib folder I found libPDMFilter_CM3_Keil.lib. In the release note I read this lib is for 16KHz PCM data sampling rate, So ...
Posted on May 22, 2017 at 03:44Hi, I just want to know if usart1 on stm32f103rb nucleo board works or not? If yes, is that using PA9 PA10? If yes, why is that not showing on the datasheet?If usart1 doesn't work on the board, which usart works on the...
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