AFAIK no solution has been updated yet, This is what i came up with for the time being. HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hi2s2, (uint16_t*) &qbuff, (uint16_t*) &rbuff, BUFFER_SIZE *2);
hi2s2.hdmarx->XferCpltCallback = Custom_TxRxDMACplt;
Just following up, A patch was released on Oct 22, 1.25.2 It included a fix for i2c but no patch for this has been released to date. Is there any ETA on this patch being provided.Thanks again
This is still an active bug in V1.25.0 of the hal library for the stm32f4 as of writing. Really confusing and inconsistent with the non RxTx implementation of the hal library .All in all confusing however. Can we please get this fixed?