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Posted on June 08, 2018 at 15:25Hello,I try to have a periodic wakeup of my chip.I read the RTC documentation, and I tried to setup the RTC periodic wakeup unit.I managed to get a periodic interruption but I don't understand why the counter is not c...
Posted on November 24, 2017 at 15:08I have a simple project that toogle a LED. I try to add software protection to it.Basically, it does  :main(){  Init_GPIO_for_LED();  LED_ON();  while(i++ < 10000000) {}; // yes, ugly  LED_OFF();    while(1) {} //...
Posted on January 02, 2017 at 12:42I'm unable to get the printf output in the keil µVision IDE, so I need a♯/?tags=checklist to know if my setup is correct.In the Keil project, I configured ST-Link Trace with Core Clock...