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Hi ST support team, We use ST25R3912 with solution for design phone (use chip microcontrller SM6150(Qualcomm)),We have problem need you support list in below:1:  If we design without MCU_CLK signal, do we can use Transparent mode for AFE and framing ...
Hi everybody, I use chip set ST25R3912-AWLT for NFC design,In PCB layout, i was draw ST25R3912 in main circuit and connect Tx, Rx to antenna use connector.Do i need control impedance trace transmitter and receiver. Thank you,AnhDN
Hello, We used ST25R3912 for design NFC. Oscillator input capable of operating with 13.56MHz or 27.12 MHz crystal with fast start-up in datasheet ST25R3912. But in my design we have source clock 19.2MHz. Can we use clock 19.2MHz replace clock 13.56MH...
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