User Activity

Hello,I have issues to launch a debug session with STMCubeIDE on Ubuntu 20.04. When I try, I have the following error :Failed to execute MI command: -exec-run : Don't know how to runIt seems that my GDB is not set properly. I tried to specify several...
Hello,I can't find any example code of flash write or read using LL_drivers, only HAL drivers. I work with Blue NRG and I do have rf_drivers_ll_flash.c with functions that looks like those in rf_drivers_hal_flash.c. But I can't make flash working wit...
Hi everyone,I try to implement range measurement using the VL53L3CX sensor with the VL53L3CX_API_1.1.4. I can get distance measurement and talk with the sensor properly using the basic patent :Status = VL53LX_WaitDeviceBooted(Dev); Status = VL53LX_Da...
Hi everyone. I try to integrate VL53L3CX range sensor in an applicaction using nRF microcontrollers. I am using the API 1.1.4. I would like to test a I2C read first, so I edited the function VL53LX_ReadMulti() in file vl53lx_platform.c as follow :VL5...
Ultimately, I would like to know where I2C commands are described in order to re-write my own I2C R/W function according to my hardware. First I woud like to play with the entire API to get familiar with it. The file ranging_sensor_comms.h is not inc...