Hello,I have an application with STM32WB55 that is working without a problem using UTIL_SEQ_Run(UTIL_SEQ_DEFAULT); and i am using app_ble_update_data function to update the packet data but i would like to start advertising without using UTIL_SEQ_Run(...
Hello,is there anyway to get an event or interrupt, after the transmission is finished of each packet from Advertising. I know this depends on Intervals Min and Max buti don't want to make a timer to syncronize an interrupt with the intervals. Thanks...
Hello,i need to run a general purpose timer on STM32WB55, the Problem is when i enable the BLE in CubeMX the timer doesn't work anymore, even with or without an interrupt.Can someone help me please. Thanks.
Hello, I need some help with getting the CFG_FAST_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MIN and CFG_FAST_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MAX in app_conf.hI am using Custom Template with Non connectable and no scan response.I have tried to call ret = aci_gap_set_discoverable(