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Posted on November 06, 2016 at 07:50Hi I am planning on using LSM303AGR to detect a jerk in my system. And I want LSM303AGR to send an INT1 to the CPU to wake.I am thinking to use the accelerometer to determine this jerk. Magnetometer will be in sle...
Posted on November 06, 2016 at 07:43HiI am thinking of using LSM303AGR I2C interface. Are there any Arduino based examples for this product?I could not find any online.Thanks #arduino
Posted on November 06, 2016 at 07:40I see  that LSM303DLHC marketing status is NRND what does it mean? #lsm303agr #lsm303dlhc #lsm303dlhc #lsm303agr #ecompass
Posted on November 06, 2016 at 07:33Hi From the spec I see, LSM303DLHC has magnetic range as 8.1g. And LSM303AGR as 50g.So what does that mean? Which one more sensitive? which one more accurate?Does that mean, unless there is a big delta in magnetis...