Hello, I am using the powerSTEP01 chip with VDD = 3.3V and VREG = 3.3V. I would like to know if I can directly drive the "SW" (switch) input pin with a 5 Volt logic level signal. Will the pin be damaged if I drive it with a 5 Volt active level? P...
Hi Cristina,Thank you so much, this is very helpful. In my case, if I apply 5.0V the sink current will only be (5-3.3)/80kohms = 21 microamps. I don't think this small current will cause any problems to my 3.3V supply.Thank you for the advice.Regar...
Hi Cristiana, thank you. This makes sense. However the datasheet says "ABS MAX" voltage for Vsw is +5.5V. it does not say "ABS MAX" = "VDD". So, is it safe to drive SW to 5.0V, when VDD = 3.3V ?I hope my question makes sense. Please let me know....