@TWald.3 I had put this project on hold as it was working intermittently. Thank you for this, I will check it out! It'll hopefully help me iron out whatever issues are left. :)
@NotSoMega Yes, it has basically been failing because of NYETs. I have been clearing the complete split bit every time that happens. I think what you're saying makes sense and I will try that. Thanks for the tip! I will let you know how that goes.We...
@NotSoMega Honestly, it was the same for me and control mode. For OUT transactions calling the HCD_HC_Submit_Request function twice worked fine but with IN transactions I needed to check for SOF and halt the channel between calls for it to work. I h...
Hi @NotSoMega, The main reason for interrupt transactions failing is that NAK is not being generated which subsequently causes the IN interrupt to not be triggered after a few attempts. I tried a workaround for that by clearing the complete split bi...
@NotSoMega @QI.1 I am currently working on split transaction and this thread helped me progress quite a bit, thank you so much! I am currently stuck with Control IN transactions where I faced the same problem that the two of you had previously face...